Thursday, August 26, 2021



Matheny, Vyncent Michael

The head on shot was enjoyable because of the way he ran but it also achieved the purpose the head on shot since it felt as if he was actually running towards me. : This was a video of someone running straight towards the camera "full speed" in a funny way.

The establishing shot is well done and the environment is relaxing. It establishes the mood and environment of the scene. : This shot was of the outdoors by the basketball courts. The grass and trees are vibrant and shows the environment.

The low angle shot makes him look like a giant, it reminded me of the giant from Jack and the beanstalk. : He is standing upright and looking down on the camera as if he is looking down on us.

Tran, Khang Nguyen Cao

I love the extreme close up of the jelly fish, you can see all of their tentacles. : I do agree that this was an extreme up close shot since it showed many jellyfish and did not focus on just one but it did just show the part where the jelly fish was and looked like we were under water. 

Your point of view shot looks like its about to start an autobiography movie, it reminds me of diary of a whimpy kid. : It is a relaxing shot of him walking and it looks like we are at his point of view and he is going to tell us a story of his life. 

The establishing shot is symmetrical and is very satisfying. : The establishing shot is a part of the court yard and had 2 trees that look symmetrical and the lunch tables are lines up properly making the shot very symmetrical. The shot overall is relaxing and establishes the scene.

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